Nd:YAG Lasers, Laser Systems in LIBS and PIV Research
September 14, 2022
Research conducted by our customers contributes to the advancement of laser physics, industrial, aerospace, medical, lidar, and other exciting industries. We’re proud to provide the pulse generators, Nd:YAG lasers, and laser systems to dedicated scientists and researchers who test hyp …
LIBS Technology in Advanced Cancer Diagnostics
September 18, 2020
According to the World Health Organization, cancer is the second leading cause of death globally (1). Recent advancements focusing on early detection have fueled growth in the industry which is projected to reach $23 million by the end of 2025 (2). As the average US age increases, the …
New Laser Photonics Applications
September 4, 2020
While recent changes to US economics has created delays and deficits in many industries, photonics researchers proudly continue to innovate. In the past few years, more compact and stable lasers have created waves of progress in smaller or portable systems. Quantum Composers has been …