Lasers in Research Applications for Oceanographic Monitoring
August 13, 2021
Applications for laser-driven monitoring systems in oceanographic research and those related to airborne and land-based capabilities are divided by the unique need when working on the shore, in the ocean, and the subsea. These include blue light lasers which have created advanced opti …
PIV & Pulse Generators: Novel Applications in Particle Image Velocimetry
July 23, 2021
Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV), is an optical research tool used to study fluid dynamics through the visualization of 3D flow fields. It is commonly used by research labs across government, academic, and commercial sectors to discover how particles flow in and around a system or fie …
Student Researchers Aim at Developing Low-Cost, Portable LiDAR System
June 4, 2021
Photo of: Past MSU Students in Lasers and Optics Research Last year, a group of Montana State University students stumbled upon the need for a portable, low-cost LiDAR system for educational purposes. The Optical Remote Sensor Laboratory (ORSL) at MSU seeks to educate others on imagin …